WARNING: DO NOT USE Dr ColourChip Until You Read This Review!

Is it a Scam? Does It Really Work?


We saw the title of this review and our hearts sank.

The writer is a highly respected blogger and reviewer based in Florida with a huge following.

Then, as we read it, we started to realise his negative opening was a “come on” to encourage readership. And a very good one too.

You can read the full article here:


Here are just a few of the kind things that he and his contributors say:

“The paint is extremely easy to apply. Some users say that the company deserves an industry award for such a great product! It comes with detailed instructions that make the process just smooth.”

“I was impressed that the product is really good. It fills the scratches and chips so slightly that they get simply invisible.”

“Now I cannot see where the chips and scratches were. My motorcycle looks much better after this process. I would recommend this product to everyone.”

And, in his final summary, James says,

“I can certainly recommend buying Dr ColourChip”

We are proud of our product and its effectiveness, which is reflected in the hundreds of positive reviews we get.

Of course, competitors do “review” the product negatively, but that is really just professional jealousy.

However, as James Davis points out, “Dr ColourChip manufacturer is rated as number one by the Wall Street Journal.”

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